Masima Noel
January 1, 2019
Lionel Jagessar Senior has been playing traditional Fancy Indian mas for the last 42 years. The youngest of seven brothers, he has four children of his own. He started mas with his brother Errol who has since passed away, along with all other his brothers. Jagessar Snr says that things are different with the mas now: “Before we used to be chanting, but now there’s a lot of choreography.”
His son, Lionel Jagessar Jnr says, “I’ve been playing mas before I could remember. The legend goes that I was born in December of 1986 and the next February 1987 I was in a costume on the road in the arms of a sitter or a stroller with my hands in the air and trying to move to the beat. So I’ve been playing mas my entire 32 years.
“Dad’s older brothers would let him go on the road with them in the late 1950’s and follow them to collect money from spectators who appreciated how they looked. So for Dad 60 years and for me my entire 32 years.
“For our family our earliest known member is one of Dad’s older brothers Errol Jagessar who could have been playing since the 1940’s and we give him the position of starting us off but as a band from 1979.
“2019 holds the same significance as every other year - that we get to work together as a family to make a difference in the world. How many other families can say they have made such a mark in mas: 100 plus kings and queens, 200 plus individuals, over 60 bands. We just wish the future hold continued success and togetherness.”
The National Library has an exhibition of the Jagessars’ work which ends on March 12, 2019.
Story Editor-Simon Lee
Videographer-Andrea De SIlva
Lionel Junior, Lionel Senior, Director of Heritage Ms. Helen Johnson
Lionel Snr chatting with some tourists from a cruise ship
Enlarged versions of past designs
Lionel Jnr and Lionel Snr with a group of cruise ship visitors and Ms. Helen Johnson standing around a jacket and headdress made and worn by Lionel Jnr.
Aerial view of the team that was responsible for the exhibition
Jacket and headdress made by Lionel Snr and Jnr and worn by Jnr in competition and at other performances
Ceremonial handing over of the prized pieces to the Director of the Heritage Division Ms. Helen Johnson by Lionel Jnr and Lionel Snr
A pair of moccasins hand made by Jnr, worn in competition and performances
A tomahawk made by Lionel Snr for a masquerader
Lionel Snr waiting on Jnr to return from the registration office at the National Carnival Commission
Jnr, Snr and Ms. Shirla from NCC clarifying some information
Jnr going through the registration process for The Kings and Queens Preliminaries
Lionel and Jnr having lunch
Leaving the Savannah, talking to Mom on the phone
Greeted by Mr. Lou after being away for most of the day
Rosemarie working on her floral arrangements for Valentine’s Day
Dad and Mom sharing a moment after a long time away from each other
Dad riding his bike to the mas camp
Lionel and Mr. Lincoln Rahamut
Dad processing some feathers
Registration area at the mas camp decorated with some trophies
Setting the feathers in the right position on a bonnet
An array of turkey quills
A hand-sewn beaded pattern made by Lionel Snr that was used on Rosemarie’s costume some years ago
Sailor (Ranjit Goomansingh) applying fluff feathers to a bustle
Lionel having his daily conversation with Jadon Sawh his sister’s great-grandson
Larry D. Kuru, oldest son, working on a piece for the queen costume
AmitMoonan, Lionel Snr, Jnr and Larry discussing the mechanics of the king costume
Tommy the cat
A fibreglass moulded piece made for the queen costume by Jnr.
Sailor working on a bonnet, a type of headdress
Jnr concealing some parts of the queen’s frame
Security (Anwar Kallan) working on decorations for the queen costume
Nicole cutting out more decorations for the queen costume
Dad working on a bonnet and an unknown street dweller trying to distract Dad with a sad story to get a couple of dollars
A stack of back bustles
Dad working on more bonnets
Dad and the bonnets
Ms. Kerina Badal the Queen of the band and Jnr’s girlfriend working on her costume with Mom in the background
Mom and a sailor in conversation
Jnr reinforcing the framework on the main body of the king’s costume
Denise Lisa Kuru Bhagwandeen working on body costumes
A cuff being decorated by Lisa
Jnr. painting his own face
Jnr at 2019 competition